How to complain

We sorry that something has gone wrong. If you have a complaint please send an email to: [email protected]

Our commitment

We treat all complaints seriously and will try to resolve them as quickly as we can, and usually within 3 days.

We will always write to acknowledge your complaint and to let you know we are looking into it. We will keep you informed, and if we need more information will contact you to ask for it. 

More complicated matters can take longer, but we’ll aim to investigate and resolve your complaint as soon as we can, but no later than 8 weeks from the point of receipt.

Where your complaint relates to a payment, we will aim to resolve the matter within 15 days and no later than 35 days for more complex complaints.

If you are still not satisfied

If you are not happy with our final response to your complaint, or how we have handled it, then you may be able to approach the Financial Ombudsman Service for help. We’ll let you know if your complaint is eligible for referral.

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is an independent body which is set up to help resolve customer complaints against financial services providers. They have rules on the type of complaints that can be referred to them which you would need to check in advance.

You can call them on 0800 023 4567. Phones lines are open between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, 9am and 1pm on a Saturday.

Or you can send an email to them at: